
Name of the PEP
ACOME Câble de signalisation SNCF - ZPAU PVC 14P 1mm² - U3773
Trademark / Owner
Collective PEP
Product classification
  • Installation wiring devices for electric power and communication networks (≤ 63 amperes)
  • Others
  • Cabling
  • Copper wiring
Geographical validity area
Date of publication
Date of end of validity
PEP-PCR-ed3-2015 04 02
PSR-0001-ed3-2015 10 16
Use lifte time
30 years
Reference Product
Energy model used
Total mass
1187.3 g/m
24.30 %
0.28800 kg
62.90 %
0.74700 kg
12.80 %
0.15200 kg
Ce produit ne contient pas de substances interdites par la réglementation en vigueur lors de sa mise sur le marché en dehors des opérations de maintenance effectuées lors de la phase d’utilisation.Estimation de l’emploi de matériaux recyclés : 4,5% en masse.
Covered products by list
- U3773
Covered products or brand by text
Functional Unit
1 m
Transmettre des données et des signaux pendant 30 années et un taux d’utilisation de 100% sur une distance de 1 mètre pour contrôler, mesurer et réguler des équipements, en conformité avec les normes en vigueur.
Indicator Unit Total Manufacturing Distribution Installation Use End of Life Use
Operational energy use
Operational water use
Global warming kg.eq.CO2 5.04E+0 3.82E+0 5.91E-2 8.67E-2 00E+0 1.07E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Ozone depletion kg.eq.CFC-11 6.01E-7 5.57E-7 1.2E-10 1.38E-9 00E+0 4.22E-8 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Acidification of soil and water kg.eq.SO2 1.05E-2 9.39E-3 2.66E-4 6.08E-5 00E+0 7.54E-4 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Water eutrophication kg.eq.P04 3- 2.35E-3 1.74E-3 6.1E-5 9.07E-5 00E+0 4.57E-4 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Photochemical Ozone formation kg.eq.C2H4 1.13E-3 1.01E-3 1.89E-5 1.52E-5 00E+0 7.97E-5 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Depletion of abiotic resources - elements kg.eq.Sb 1.01E-3 1.01E-3 2.37E-9 1.11E-9 00E+0 2.36E-8 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Depletion of abiotic resources - fossil fuels MJ 5.33E+1 4.93E+1 8.3E-1 1.75E-1 00E+0 2.93E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Water pollution 1.7E+3 4.28E+2 9.72E+0 3.76E+1 00E+0 1.22E+3 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Air pollution 2.73E+3 2.7E+3 2.42E+0 2.22E+0 00E+0 2.99E+1 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of renewable primary energy, excluding renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials MJ 2.62E+0 2.61E+0 1.11E-3 1.64E-3 00E+0 1.5E-2 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials MJ 1.07E+0 1.07E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Total use of renewable primary energy resources (primary energy and primary energy resources used as raw materials) MJ 3.69E+0 3.67E+0 1.11E-3 1.64E-3 00E+0 1.5E-2 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of non-renewable primary energy, excluding non-renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials MJ 8.98E+1 8.36E+1 8.35E-1 2.45E-1 00E+0 5.15E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of non-renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials MJ 6.23E+0 6.23E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Total use of non-renewable primary energy resources (primary energy and primary energy resources used as raw materials) MJ 9.61E+1 8.98E+1 8.35E-1 2.45E-1 00E+0 5.15E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of secondary materials kg 5.45E-2 5.45E-2 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of renewable secondary fuels MJ 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of non-renewable secondary fuels MJ 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Net use of fresh water 1.8E+0 1.8E+0 5.29E-6 4.4E-5 00E+0 10E-4 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Hazardous waste disposed of kg 8.74E+1 8.62E+1 00E+0 3.41E-2 00E+0 1.14E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Non-hazardous waste disposed of kg 2.25E+0 1.76E+0 2.1E-3 5.4E-2 00E+0 4.34E-1 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Radioactive waste disposed of kg 2.95E-3 2.91E-3 1.5E-6 2.56E-6 00E+0 3.88E-5 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Components for re-use kg 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Materials for recycling kg 8.71E-1 8.05E-2 00E+0 4.54E-2 00E+0 7.45E-1 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Materials for energy recovery kg 5.11E-3 00E+0 00E+0 5.11E-3 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Exported energy MJ by energy vector 3.02E-2 00E+0 00E+0 3.02E-2 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Total use of primary energy during the life cycle MJ 9.98E+1 9.35E+1 8.36E-1 2.47E-1 00E+0 5.16E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0