
Name of the PEP
KNX GPS Weather station
Trademark / Owner
Collective PEP
Product classification
  • Installation wiring devices for electric power and communication networks (≤ 63 amperes)
  • Home automation and communicating systems
  • Multi-media networks
  • Wall mounted home automation devices
Date of publication
Date of end of validity
PEP-PCR-ed3-2015 04 02
PSR-0005-ed2-2016 03 29
Use lifte time
10 years
Reference Product
KNX GPS Weather station New Easy (80490001)
Energy model used
Total mass
479.8 g
31.49 %
3.52 %
64.99 %
Covered products or brand by text
KNX GPS Weather station (80490001;75490002;80490002)
Functional Unit
1 unit
Measure weather parameters (precipitation, temperature, wind speed, twilight and brightness) and transfer these data via KNX. The function is ensured for 10 years.
Extrapolation Rules
All products covered by this PEP are considered as having the same environmental impact.
Indicator Unit Total Manufacturing Distribution Installation Use End of Life Use
Operational energy use
Operational water use
Global warming kg.eq.CO2 1.12E+2 3.41E+0 8.36E-2 1.88E-2 1.09E+2 2.13E-2 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Ozone depletion kg.eq.CFC-11 2.94E-5 3.04E-6 1.69E-10 1.28E-10 2.64E-5 5.45E-10 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Acidification of soil and water kg.eq.SO2 8.27E-1 4.79E-3 3.76E-4 9.2E-5 8.21E-1 8.12E-5 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Water eutrophication kg.eq.P04 3- 4E-2 8.97E-3 8.63E-5 9.91E-5 3.08E-2 9.26E-5 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Photochemical Ozone formation kg.eq.C2H4 3.95E-2 6.68E-4 2.67E-5 6.49E-6 3.88E-2 6.34E-6 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Depletion of abiotic resources - elements kg.eq.Sb 8.36E-4 8.31E-4 3.35E-9 8.15E-10 4.95E-6 1.37E-9 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Depletion of abiotic resources - fossil fuels MJ 1.16E+3 4.29E+1 1.17E+0 2.61E-1 1.12E+3 3.05E-1 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Water pollution 5.59E+3 1.02E+3 1.37E+1 2.9E+0 4.56E+3 2.41E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Air pollution 4.97E+3 3.03E+2 3.43E+0 2.37E+0 4.66E+3 2.53E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of renewable primary energy, excluding renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials MJ 1.59E+2 2.01E+0 1.58E-3 2.95E-3 1.57E+2 5.85E-3 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials MJ 1.26E+0 1.26E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Total use of renewable primary energy resources (primary energy and primary energy resources used as raw materials) MJ 1.61E+2 3.27E+0 1.58E-3 2.95E-3 1.57E+2 5.85E-3 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of non-renewable primary energy, excluding non-renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials MJ 1.75E+3 3.62E+1 1.12E+0 2.44E-1 1.72E+3 2.2E-1 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of non-renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials MJ 5.35E+0 5.35E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Total use of non-renewable primary energy resources (primary energy and primary energy resources used as raw materials) MJ 1.76E+3 4.15E+1 1.12E+0 2.44E-1 1.72E+3 2.2E-1 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of secondary materials kg 2.01E-1 2.01E-1 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of renewable secondary fuels MJ 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of non-renewable secondary fuels MJ 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Net use of fresh water 3E-1 1.66E-2 7.48E-6 5.86E-6 2.83E-1 1.88E-5 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Hazardous waste disposed of kg 4.08E+2 9.54E-1 2.97E-3 3.1E-1 4.06E+2 1.99E-1 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Non-hazardous waste disposed of kg 1.45E+0 1.45E+0 00E+0 6.85E-5 00E+0 9.45E-5 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Radioactive waste disposed of kg 3.32E-1 1.04E-3 2.12E-6 1.6E-6 3.31E-1 6.81E-6 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Components for re-use kg 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Materials for recycling kg 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Materials for energy recovery kg 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Exported energy MJ by energy vector 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Total use of primary energy during the life cycle MJ 1.92E+3 4.48E+1 1.12E+0 2.47E-1 1.87E+3 2.26E-1 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0