
Name of the PEP
Câble à Haute Tension avec conducteur cuivre - 2000 mm² Cu 225 kV
Trademark / Owner
Collective PEP
Product classification
  • Wires and cables
  • Power and Data transfer inside
  • Power cables and wires
Date of publication
Date of end of validity
PEP-PCR-ed3-2015 04 02
PSR-0001-ed3-2015 10 16
Use lifte time
40 years
Reference Product
2000 mm² Cu 225 kV
Energy model used
Mix énergétique français
Total mass
27.6 unit
27.5 unit
66.7 kg/UF
26.40 %
70.20 %
3.40 %
Covered products by list
- Câble à Haute Tension avec conducteur cuivre - 2000 mm² Cu 225 kV
Functional Unit
1 km
Transporter de l'énergie exprimée pour 1 A sur une distance de 1 km pendant 40 années et un taux d'utilisation de 100%, en conformité avec les caractéristiques techniques des produits
Indicator Unit Total Manufacturing Distribution Installation Use End of Life Use
Operational energy use
Operational water use
Global warming kg.eq.CO2 1.61E+5 1.23E+5 2.48E+3 3.47E+4 2.98E-1 9E+2 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Ozone depletion kg.eq.CFC-11 1.4E-2 1.04E-2 4.75E-4 3.01E-3 4.77E-7 1.17E-4 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Acidification of soil and water kg.eq.SO2 1.86E+3 1.45E+3 8.17E+0 4.02E+2 1.37E-3 1.31E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Water eutrophication kg.eq.P04 3- 1.22E+3 9.58E+2 1.36E+0 2.64E+2 1.96E-4 6.72E-1 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Photochemical Ozone formation kg.eq.C2H4 9.44E+1 7.32E+1 6.22E-1 2.03E+1 7.17E-5 2.13E-1 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Depletion of abiotic resources - elements kg.eq.Sb 4.07E+1 3.19E+1 4.66E-3 8.78E+0 5.3E-7 7.8E-4 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Depletion of abiotic resources - fossil fuels MJ 2.1E+6 1.61E+6 3.93E+4 4.53E+5 3.83E+0 4.85E+3 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Water pollution 7.81E+6 5.85E+6 2.22E+5 1.67E+6 1.17E+1 6.26E+4 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Air pollution 9.17E+7 7.15E+7 3.34E+5 1.98E+7 2.78E+1 3.75E+4 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of renewable primary energy, excluding renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials MJ 2.91E+5 2.27E+5 3.36E+2 6.28E+4 3.39E+0 5.5E+2 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials MJ 3.67E+4 2.87E+4 6.59E+1 7.93E+3 1.01E-1 2.49E+1 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Total use of renewable primary energy resources (primary energy and primary energy resources used as raw materials) MJ 3.28E+5 2.56E+5 4.02E+2 7.07E+4 3.49E+0 5.75E+2 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of non-renewable primary energy, excluding non-renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials MJ 2.5E+6 1.91E+6 3.99E+4 5.38E+5 6.53E+1 1.39E+4 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of non-renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials MJ 4.07E+5 3.19E+5 00E+0 8.78E+4 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Total use of non-renewable primary energy resources (primary energy and primary energy resources used as raw materials) MJ 2.91E+6 2.23E+6 3.99E+4 6.26E+5 6.53E+1 1.39E+4 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of secondary materials kg 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of renewable secondary fuels MJ 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Use of non-renewable secondary fuels MJ 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Net use of fresh water 1.92E+3 1.5E+3 7.88E+0 4.14E+2 1.77E-2 5.34E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Hazardous waste disposed of kg 2.78E+5 2.18E+5 2.32E+1 6.01E+4 5.93E-3 5.08E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Non-hazardous waste disposed of kg 6.27E+5 4.85E+5 2.36E+2 1.34E+5 1.4E-1 8.29E+3 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Radioactive waste disposed of kg 1.41E+1 1.06E+1 2.69E-1 3.01E+0 8.78E-4 1.56E-1 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Components for re-use kg 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Materials for recycling kg 2.12E+4 1.44E+3 6.67E+1 4.15E+2 00E+0 1.93E+4 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Materials for energy recovery kg 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Exported energy MJ by energy vector 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0
Total use of primary energy during the life cycle MJ 3.24E+6 2.49E+6 4.03E+4 6.97E+5 6.88E+1 1.45E+4 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0 00E+0